To change or add config keys like the title, description, subtitle, etc open system/_includes/data/settings.json
change or add any calues you need.
/** ./system/_includes/data/settings.json **/
"title": "FP.Pages",
"subtitle": "Lightweight, Fast, Accessible, Inclusive",
"description": "A minimalist UI Toolkit for building responsive, performance driven, accessibility first websites",
"feed": {
"subtitle": "A UI toolkit for creating and managing design/style systems, pattern libraries, style-guides, etc",
"filename": "feed.xml",
"path": "/feed/feed.xml",
"id": ""
"author": {
"name": "Shawn Sandy",
"email": ""
"styles": [],
"scripts": [
Change the site title
"title": "My Site Name"
Subtitle change
"subtitle": "My new subtitle"
View the changes in your browser